
Tactical Designs that Amplify Communities

We believe that incremental changes can make accessible, positive and significant impact on communities. To that endeavor, we do not wait for design opportunities; we strive for catalyst projects that create change in the world. We employ interactive and visually powerful tactical methods to highlight needs, generate call to actions, and improve how we experience the world around us. Most importantly, we aim to bring joy into the world and into our cities.

Design Innovation that Resonates with Place

Atlas Lab’s projects are guided by a rigorous design process to develop spaces and materials that are locally and ecologically evocative – features that are familiar yet vivid. We believe in the use of timeless landscape materials, the dynamic poetics of wood, steel, stone, and native planting. We strive to blend these timeless elements with the contemporary – using innovative fabrication techniques in ways that encourage social interaction in public spaces while still making spaces feel intimately local.

Advocates for Resiliency

We believe that more than ever, as designers, we must address our region’s most pressing climate and environmental challenges: flooding, drought, food and soil in particular. Our projects always aim to fully integrate natural systems at a regional framework level – planning for the smaller incremental projects that can aggregate to fully restore a living and dynamic landscape of water, habitat and vegetation across urban areas, generating positive resilience and natural adaptation measures for future generations.

We design spaces across all scales, from installations, to dense urban streets, to parks, to regional open spaces. We work with allied design professionals, developers, nonprofits, public and private institutions, always in the spirit of deep collaboration to develop thoughtful design solutions.

Our work is supported by years of experience working on award-winning and influential projects built across the country. It is shaped with the client and community to test, research, and engage sites, aiming to translate a cohesive vision into physical space in a way that is accessible, interactive and inclusive throughout the design process.

Landscape Architecture

Urban Design

Public Art